Mommy Dance -- Credits

David and I were blessed to attend Family Life's A Weekend to Remember Conference, where Raymond and Robyn McKelvy spoke.  Among the insights they shared that weekend, one of the highlights that stuck was Robyn's Mommy Dance.  She had a room full of women stand up, shake their hips and sing "You get the Mommy Dance, you get the Mommy Dance!" to one another.  It was all kinds of awkward goofy.  But this celebration of a child's accomplishments, big or small, made its way into my home and found loads of success.  In particular, my challenging 2-year-old of the moment took great delight in being celebrated.  When the kids are proud of something they've done, especially if they've handled a challenging situation calmly or skillfully, they're let me know they're ready for their Mommy Dance.  This ridiculous few-second ritual has made quite the impact on them and has highlighted for me how significant it is that our children feel treasured and celebrated.  I'm grateful to Robyn for bringing this little treasure into our family.  You can find Robyn at 

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